How to learn from experience:”All [he] had to do was stay…”

This is a continuation of an earlier post.  My boss walked into my office in the middle of a Taylor Swift binge, so I shared why I appreciate her lyrics. I’m not sure he bought it, but I let him know that some of my favorite Swift songs have described some of my deepest and painful heartbreaks. Suddenly, I remembered heartbreak may be a natural occurrence.


In an earlier blog, I wanted to save my younger co-workers from heartbreak, but that’s not possible. They need it. I had it, and my breakups were tragic at the time.  Fast forward > I ended up with my hubby aka love of my life. Really, I think I needed to experience love lost because I don’t think it would have worked had I met my hubby earlier.


In a breakup, the tunnel seems bleak, but there really is light at the end. Of course, we can’t see it until we reach the end.

The inspiration for this post was Swift’s song “All you had to do was stay.” It reminds me of my first heartbreak. We’ll call him AB. He was the start of my dark relationship tunnel and the only one who wanted to get back together after we broke up. Too much had happened in the meantime such as “picking up the pieces of the mess [he] made” and all I could think of was “but not like this.” Like I said…it seems dark, but keep moving. 😉

I’m wearing

Jewelry: Chop Zuey The Chanel Necklace, Earrings (small), Bracelets, and Ring (Hematite) @Designer Showcase September 2016 Round
Outfit: C’est la vie! Zelie dress in Black for Maitreya
Hair: booN Lab.004 hair
Shoes: Apple May Birthday Heels for Maitreya
Body Parts: LAQ Head Trinity and Maitreya Body Lara,
Pose(s): **Manifeste** – Model_616 and Everglow Soft 06
Location: Paris Je T’aime 

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